37 Deuterostome Lab (Instructor Materials Preparation)

Lab Materials

This is the prep for one section of 24 students.


Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
starfish model  1 per table
example echinoderm organisms (preserved) various these are put on the side bench and can include sea stars, sea fans, sea urchins, sea cucumbers


Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
  lancelet slides 1 per table  can also be set out on side bench as a demo
lancelet model  1 per table
 frog model  1 per table


Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
 dissection kit  1 per table  should include scalpel, scissors, forceps, dissection needles, dissection pins
 dissection tray  1 per table
 waste disposal container  1 per class  dissected organisms should not go in regular trash
 gloves  1 pair per student  latex and nonlatex (for allergies) in various sizes
lab coat 1 per student
goggles 1 pair per student
preserved starfish 1 per table
preserved frog 1 per table

Licensing & Attributions

CC licensed content, Original

Instructor Materials Preparation. Authored by: Lynette Hauser. Provided by: Tidewater Community College. Located at: https://www.tcc.edu/. License: CC BY: Attribution


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Lab Manual for Biology Part II Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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