12 Fungi Lab (Instructor Materials Preparation)

Lab Materials

This is the prep for one section of 24 students.


Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
Rhizopus slides 1 per table include sporangia and zygospores
Aspergillus slides 1 per table include conidia and conidiophores
Penicillium 1 per table conidiophores only
Lichens various different forms (fruticose, foliose, etc.) set up as demo on side bench
mushrooms various samples for students to view under dissecting microscope. Can be purchased at grocery store.
Coprinus slide 1 per table cross section view
lichen thallus slide 1 per table

Materials on side bench:

  • Dry yeast packet (1 per class)
  • 250 ml beaker
  • sugar (sucrose)
  • slides
  • coverslips
  • plastic pipets (~3)
  • glass stir rod
  • access to microwave or hot plate (heat for water)

To prepare yeast culture: heat 150 ml of water to 45°C and dissolve 1 yeast packet. It’s important the water is not too hot or the yeast will die. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Stir until yeast is dissolved. Let sit for 5-10 minutes. If yeast is activated it will foam/bubble.

Licensing & Attributions

CC licensed content, Original

Instructor Materials Preparation. Authored by: Lynette Hauser. Provided by: Tidewater Community College. Located at: https://www.tcc.edu/. License: CC BY: Attribution


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Lab Manual for Biology Part II Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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