
56 General Washington’s Instructions to Commissioners of Embarkation

April-May, 1783

George Washington


This document records the appointment by George Washington of Egbert Benson, William S. Smith and Daniel Parker to be Commissioners of Embarkation. The three men would be responsible for overseeing the British evacuation of the United States out of New York at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.

Washington instructed the commissioners to ensure that the British did not violate the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed in Paris on November 30, 1782, which stipulated that the United Kingdom return all property that was seized during the War, including slaves.

Washington and Sir Guy Carleton, commander of British forces during the Revolutionary War, disagreed on the topic of former slaves. Washington demanded the return of escaped slaves per the treaty, but Carleton countered that, under the King’s orders, slaves reaching British lines were to be freed. Sir Carleton intended to keep the promise of freedom that was made to African Americans who joined and fought for the British.

The two leaders deferred the issue to future negotiations and ordered that the names be recorded of persons boarding British ships in New York. Appointing Commissioners of Embarkation was agreed upon by both sides as a partial compromise. Britain evacuated about 3,000 enslaved African Americans, indentured servants, and freedmen to the British colony of Nova Scotia in Canada along with British soldiers.

The “Book of Negroes, or “Inspection Roll of Negroes” as the American version is called, listed those who were evacuated – to tally the loss of “property” for which the British government might compensate the United States at a later date. (No record of that payment has been found.) In 1792, over 1,000 of the new African Canadians continued on and settled back on the continent of Africa, establishing the city of Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Background Courtesy: “George Washington’s Instructions to Commissioners of Embarkation” from the National Archive, Original License CC 4.0 BY NC SA


[in left margin: appoint. & Instruction]

By His Excellency George Washington Esquire, General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States:

To Egbert Benson Esq. Attorney General of the State of new York, William S. Smith Esq. Lieutenant Colonel in the Service of the United States, and Daniel Parker Esq. ___

Whereas His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton Commander in Chief of the British Troops in the Posts now occupied by his Britannic Majesty contiguous to the Atlantic, did on the 14th of April last, unite to the Honble Robert R. Livingston one of theAmerican Ministers in the words following – viz –

New York – 14th April 1783

“As I observe in the 7th Article of the Provisional Treaty, it is agreed, after stipulating that all Prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, that His Britannic Majesty shall with all convenient speed and without causing any destruction or carrying away any Negroes or other property of the American Inhabitants, withdraw all his Armies, Garrisons, and Fleets from the United States, and from every Port, Place, and Harbour “within the same” and as Embarkations of Persons and property are on the point of being made, I am to request that Congress would be pleased to empower any person or persons on behalf of the United States to be present at New York, and to assist such Persons as shall be appointed by me, to

inspect and Superintend all Embarkations which the Evacuation of this place may require, and that they will be pleased to represent to me every Infraction of the Letter or Spirit of Treaty, that redress may be immediately ordered –

Whereas Congress did, on the 24th of April 1783 refer the said Letter to me, with directions to take such measures for carrying into effect the several matters therein mentioned, as to me should seem expedient; And Whereas I have thought it expedient and necessary that Commissioners should be appointed for the purposes aforesaid, and to carry fully into execution the Instructions of Congress – “for obtaining the delivery of all Negroes and other Property of the Inhabitants of the United States in the possession of the British Forces, or any Subjects of, or adherents to His Britannic Majesty” –

I do therefore in virtue of the Powers vested in me as aforesaid, hereby nominate, constitute and appoint you the Said Egbert Benson, William S. Smith and Daniel Parker Com.

Commissioners on behalf of the United States for the purposes before mentioned, and you are to attend particularly to the due execution of that part of the 7th Article of the Provisional Treaty, where it is agreed that His Britannic Majesty shall withdraw his Armies from the United States “without causing any destruction or Carrying away any Negroes or other Property of the American Inhabitants” and you the aforesaid Egbert Benson, William S. Smith and Daniel Parker or any two of you, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to be present at New York, and to assist such Persons as shall be appointed by the Commander in Chief of the British Forces in New York, to inspect and Superintend all Embarkations, which the Evacuation of that place may require, and you are to represent to the said Commander in Chief every Infraction of the Letter or Spirit of the aforesaid Treaty to the end that redress may be obtained, furnishing me at the same time with Duplicates of all such representations or communications as may be made by you on the subject, with the result thereof, and making a general Report of your Proceedings at the termination of the Commission –

Relying on your Patriotism, fidelity and abilities I do hereby further authorize and empower you, in transacting the aforesaid business to act in conformity to your own judgment and discretion, in all such matters and things relative thereto, as are not particularly specified herein – This Commission to continue in force until the Evacuation of New York shall be compleatly effected, unless sooner revoked.

Given under my Hand and Seal at Orange Town, this eighth day of May 1783[1]