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41 results
Music Appreciation book cover

Music Appreciation

CC BY (Attribution)  22 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Bonnie Le, Brenda Wimberly, Francis Scully, Jesse Boyd, Steven Edwards

Editor(s): Bonnie Le, Brenda Wimberly, Constance Chemay, Francis Scully, Jesse Boyd, Steven Edwards

Subject(s): Music

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 20/01/2025

College Algebra book cover

College Algebra

CC BY (Attribution)  142 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Cynthia Singleton, Ginny Bradley, Karen Perilloux, Prakash Ghimire

Editor(s): Jared Eusea

Subject(s): Mathematics

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 15/01/2025

This book is designed to be used in any College Algebra course. Chapters 1 and 2 provide both a review and foundation for study of functions that begins in Chapter 3. The authors wanted to produce an interactive online experience for students by building upon the written detailed examples with embedded videos and knowledge checks for each objective.
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Applied Calculus book cover

Applied Calculus

CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike)  55 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Bimal Kunwor, Jared Eusea, Karen Perilloux

Subject(s): Mathematics

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 15/01/2025

This book is designed to be used in any Applied Calculus course. The book is not suitable for students who plan to go into science, engineering, or mathematics since the book has no Trigonometry, the applications in the text are different, there are fewer theorems and proofs, and less algebra needed to solve.
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Lifespan Development book cover

Lifespan Development

CC BY (Attribution)  2 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Bill Pelz, Cynthia Thomas, Tremika Cleary

Editor(s): Angela Balius, Johannah White

Subject(s): Child, developmental and lifespan psychology, Child, developmental and lifespan psychology

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 15/01/2025

Lifespan Psychology offers an overview of the discipline of developmental psychology with attention paid to the physiological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence and form the human experience from conception and birth to death and grief. Particular emphasis is given to examples that speak to underrepresented populations and, as an added twist, with examples drawn from Louisiana’s rich heritage.

Environmental Science book cover

Environmental Science

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  72 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Bill Freedman, Waneene Dorsey, Adronisha Frazier, Murty Kambhampati, John Galiotos, Soma Mukherjee

Subject(s): Biology, life sciences, The environment

Last updated: 15/01/2025

This textbook is a modified version of Environmental Science - Canadian Perspectives by Bill Freedman. It is intended to provide the core elements of a curriculum for teaching environmental science at the introductory level and included Louisiana perspectives. This book is suitable for students beginning a program in environmental science, environmental studies, or sustainability. It is also appropriate for arts students who require a science elective, and for science students who require a non-major elective. Louisiana and national contexts are integrated throughout the text, along with North American and global data that provide a broader perspective.
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World Regional Geography book cover

World Regional Geography

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  59 H5P Activities    English (United States)

Author(s): Royal Berglee, PhD, Neusa Hidalgo Monroy Wohlgemuth, Peter Yaukey, Tyler Johnson, Rusti Liner, Mathab A. Lodhi, Jeffrey Stepp, Jessica Hawkes

Subject(s): Geography

Last updated: 15/01/2025

World Regional Geography: People, Places, and Globalization provides students with a working knowledge of world geography in an easy-to-read format. Basic geographic concepts of world places are presented in concise chapters, and each chapter provides a foundational framework for understanding the development patterns of world regions. ONGOING EDITS: Please note that this edition of the textbook is subject to updates and revisions through 2024.
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Introduction to Human Geography book cover

Introduction to Human Geography

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): David Dorrell, Georgeta Connor, Joseph Henderson, Todd Lindley, Neusa Hidalgo Monroy Wohlgemuth, Adam Dohrenwend, Juana Ibáñez, Molly McGraw, Alan Ciba, Rusti Liner

Editor(s): Juana Ibáñez, Kayla Siddell, Neusa Hidalgo Monroy Wohlgemuth, Molly McGraw, Rusti Liner, Adam Dohrenwend

Subject(s): Human geography

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 13/01/2025

“Geography is a diverse discipline that has some sort of connection to most every other academic discipline. This connection is the spatial perspective, which essentially means if a phenomenon can be mapped, it has some kind of relationship to geography.

Studying the entire world is a fascinating subject, and geographical knowledge is fundamental to a competent understanding of our world. In this chapter, you will learn what geography is as well as some of the fundamental concepts that underpin the discipline. These fundamental terms and concepts will be interwoven throughout the text, so a sound understanding of these topics is critical as you delve deeper into the chapters that follow.”

Finite Mathematics book cover

Finite Mathematics

CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike)  57 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Ashley Segalla, Kiel Ellis, Renae Broussard, Toni Spahn

Editor(s): Jared Eusea

Subject(s): Mathematics

Last updated: 06/01/2025

This book is designed to be used in any Finite Mathematics course, whether College Algebra is a prerequisite or not. There are sections at the end of Chapters 2, 4, and 8 that use technology to solve problems that are solved in other sections in the chapter. A fun fact about this book is that it was adapted and written by four Louisiana natives who decided to add a bit of Louisiana to the content, examples, and exercises in the book. ONGOING EDITS: Please note that this edition of the textbook is subject to updates and revisions through 2024.
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Modern World History book cover

Modern World History

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  14 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Christy Garrison-Harrison (editor), Dan Allosso (original author), Lise Namikas (editor), Tom Williford (original author), William Noseworthy (editor)

Editor(s): Christy Garrison-Harrison (editor), Lise Namikas (editor), William Noseworthy (editor)

Subject(s): General and world history

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 23/12/2024

Introductory Statistics book cover

Introductory Statistics

CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike)  240 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Jared Eusea, Phyllis Okwan, Rachid Belmasrour, Stephan Patterson, Stephen Andrus

Editor(s): Ashley Segalla, Debbie Shepherd

Subject(s): Mathematics

Publisher: LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network

Last updated: 17/12/2024

This book is designed to be used in any Introductory Statistics course. It focuses on the interpretation of statistical results, especially in real world settings, and assumes that students have an understanding of intermediate algebra. To support today’s student in understanding technology, this book features TI 83, 83+, 84, or 84+ calculator instructions at strategic points throughout. ONGOING EDITS: Please note that this edition of the textbook is subject to updates and revisions through 2024.
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