Primary Navigation
Author: Emily Frank
Book Contents Navigation
1. Introduction
Abiodun Raufu; Chenetra Hall Phillips; Joel George; and Michelle Holcomb
2. Learning Objectives
Joel George; Chenetra Hall Phillips; and Michelle Holcomb
3. Purpose, History of Jails, and Prison System
4. Correctional Goals
5. The Convict Leasing System
6. The Reformatory Movement
7. Developments in the Twentieth Century
8. Louisiana Prison System
9. 1: Concepts of Corrections as a Sub-system of the Criminal Justice System
10. 2: Judicial Process and Sentencing Practices for Misdemeanants, Felons and Juveniles
11. 3: Correctional Clients
12. References
Michelle Holcomb
13. 4: Alternatives to Incarceration
14. 5: Types of Correctional Facilities
15. 6: Institutionalization of Inmates in Correctional Facilities
16. 7: Innovative Programs in Correctional Facilities
17. 8: Juvenile Corrections
18. 9: Special Populations in a Correctional Setting
19. References
20. 10: Correction as a Career Field
Introduction to Corrections Copyright © by Emily Frank. All Rights Reserved.
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