Summary of Adaptations
Full Resource Adaptations
Across all chapters of the resource, the following changes were made (where necessary):
- Edited all mathematical notations to have them appear in LaTex
- Created and added H5P activities for select concepts
- Added solution drop-downs for select exercises
- Added embedded videos from YouTube
- Renumbered end of Chapter Exercises and Practice Test
- Consistent colored textboxes throughout
- Added Heading 1 to main parts for Table of Contents
- Minor removal and reordering of content for flow and clarity
- Made Chapter Review Exercises for each Chapter, from original “Review Exercises”
- Made Chapter Practice Test for each Chapter, from original “Practice Test”
- Moved “Key concepts” and “Key Equations” from Chapter Review into corresponding section
- Moved “Key Terms” from Chapter Review into corresponding section and renamed “Glossary”
- Edited some example textboxes
- Minor clean-up editing:
- Deleted select “Media” sections
- Resized tables
- Removed figure, table, footnotes, and “Key Points” links
- Added numbers to Examples, figures, and tables
- Adjusted some language for clarity
- Captions added for accessibility:
- Tables
- Images on Introductions – same captions provided from source; alt-tag used as provided from source
- Images added to Pressbook Media Library and pertinent attribution information added
Chapter-Specific Changes
Chapter 1: Prerequisites
- In the last statement, ‘and trigonometry.’ was deleted. “This understanding will serve as prerequisite knowledge throughout our study of algebra
and trigonometry.”
Real Numbers
- First Try It under Formulas – added a more detailed solution.
- Deleted the Learning Objective – “Use FOIL to multiply binomials” since this topic falls underneath the Multiplying Polynomial objective.
Chapter 2: Equations and Inequalities
Linear Equations in One Variable
- Changed Learning Objectives: Solve equations in one variable
Model and Applications
- Deleted “access online resource video section”
Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value Inequalities
- Changed objectives:
Use interval notation.Write solutions using interval notation.Use properties of inequalities.(This objective is covered under solve inequalities as properties are used in solving)- Solve inequalities in one variable algebraically.
- Solve absolute value inequalities
- Need help with the aligned of the array in the Properties of Inequalities box.
- Deleted the Graphic portion of the Section Exercises because graphing is covered later – due to rearrangement.
Chapter 3: Functions
Introduction to Functions
- Moved “the list of sections” (originally listed in the section “Introduction to Functions” ) to the table of content.
The Rectangular Coordinate Systems and Graphs
- Moved “The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs” section (originally in Chapter 2 – Equations and Inequalities) to Chapter 3: Functions.
Domain and Range
- Deleted section exercises [latex]40-45, 48-51, 54[/latex], and [latex]57[/latex]
Absolute Value Functions
- Deleted section exercises [latex]5[/latex] and [latex]38[/latex]
Chapter 4: Linear Functions
- Added “Linear Equations in Two Variables” (originally in Linear Equations in One Variable – Equations and Inequalities.) to Chapter 4: Linear Functions.
- Moved “Systems of Equations in Two Variables” (originally in Chapter 11 – Systems of Equations and Inequalities) to Chapter 4: Linear Functions.
- Learning Objectives and exercises were adjusted to match the new sections.
- Deleted “access online resource video section”
- Footnote link removed, but footnote reference kept at the bottom of the page.
Linear Equations in Two Variables
- One objective changed:
Find a linear Write a linear equation in two variables.
Linear Functions
- Moved some of the key concepts from Linear Functions to Linear Equations in Two variables – concepts pertaining to parallel and perpendicular.
- Removed the objectives and put in previous section (Linear Equations in Two Variables):
- Determine whether lines are parallel or perpendicular.
- Write the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line.
Chapter 5: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Rational Functions
- Need labels below each table
- Remove links to figures after table titles are fixed
- Created new graphs for 2 Try it problems.
- Need graph after try it “down 4 units” and try it #8 in show solution. Created graph with geogebra.
- Changed the graph in exercise #35 to the correct graph as found in precalculus book.
Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Graphs of Exponential Functions
- Created two exponential graphs that were added
Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
- Added heading one to learning objectives (Graphing Transformation of Logarithmic Functions).
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- In the problem, using the Formula for Radioactive Decay to Find the Quantity of a Substance,
- How long will it take for ten percent of a 1000-gram (g) sample of uranium-235 to decay? I added (g).
After10% decays, 900 gramsare left.
Back Matter
Proofs, Identities, and Toolkit Functions
- Deleted Heron’s Formula, Properties of the dot product, Standard form of the Ellipse, Standard form of the Hyperbola, and their proofs.
- Deleted Trigonometric Identities, the Unit Circle, and the table of the values of the trigonometric functions.