Adaptation Statement

Computer Applications is a cloned version of Intro to Microsoft Office by Abigail Rusu, Andrea Long, Heather Maye, Jennifer Evans, and Amy Ledgerwood, which was an adaptation of Computer Usage and Applications by Abigail Rusu, published using Pressbooks by Maricopa Millions Grant. Unless stated otherwise, Computer Applications (c) 2022 is licensed under a Creative Commons-Attribution 4.0 International license.

The majority of the original text was kept with some editing for formatting and wording. The original H5P was separated from the text and put into Check Your Understanding sections so that adopters of this book can link to the H5P activities.

The following additions or changes have been made to the database chapters.

Database Software 1: An Intro to Databases

  • Kept from original:
    • Learn It section <– turned into Database Overview
    • Access Practice 1 <– turned into Apply Your Knowledge
    • Some images reused
    • Modified objectives
    • Copied out and modified original assignment for end-of-chapter assessment.
  • Written from scratch:
    • Data and Tables section
    • Relationships section
    • Other resources section
  • Other:
    • Turned database module into 3 chapters.
    • Highlighted glossary words
    • Added new images

Database Software 2: Database Objects and Querying a Database

  • Kept from original:
    • Practice activities 4 and 5—Self-Assessment
    • Master It activities 1–3
    • Challenge It activities
    • Some images reused
    • Modified objectives
    • Copied out and modified original assignment for end-of-chapter assessment
  • Written from scratch:
    • Database interaction overview
    • Other resources examples
    • Other resources
  • Other:
    • Highlighted glossary words

Database Software 3: Creating Reports and Forms

  • Kept from original:
    • Practice activities 2 and 3—Self-Assessment
    • Some images reused
    • Modified objectives page
    • Copied out and modified original assignment for end-of-chapter assessment
  • Written from scratch:
    • Reports and Forms overview
    • Other resources
  • Other:
    • Highlighted glossary words



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Computer Applications Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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