¡A descubrir!: El español en el mundo

Emily Frank; Erin Huebener; Handy Acosta Cuellar; Carolina Delgado; Giti Farudi; Yelani Feldman; Isabel Matus; and Jerry Parker

¡A descubrir!

Actividad 1: El español en el mundo

World map
“World Map” by Marina Leonova is in the Public Domain

Watch the following video about Spanish-speaking countries and answer the following questions.  

El español en el mundo

  1. According to the video, how many people are native Spanish speakers?
  2. According to the video, in how many countries is Spanish the official or co-official language?
  3. Approximately how many Spanish speakers are in the United States?
  4. Name a country where there are many Spanish speakers, but Spanish is not an official or co-official language.
  5. Can you name at least 10 Spanish-speaking countries?



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¡A descubrir!: El español en el mundo Copyright © 2022 by Emily Frank; Erin Huebener; Handy Acosta Cuellar; Carolina Delgado; Giti Farudi; Yelani Feldman; Isabel Matus; and Jerry Parker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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