Summary of Adaptation
This textbook is an adaptation of Introduction to Human Geography, copyright 2018 by University System of Georgia. edited by David Dorrell Ph.D. and Joseph P. Henderson Ph.D, authored by David Dorrell, Joseph Henderson, Todd Lindley, and Georgeta Connor, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Full Resource Adaptations
Across all chapters of the resource, the following changes were made:
- Addition of Louisiana-specific content
Chapter-Specific Changes
Updates were made with the aim to enhance the educational value and interactivity of the textbook, ensuring it aligns with current academic standards and provides students with a more engaging and comprehensive learning experience.
Chapter 1:
- Added content to Sections 1.2, 1.2.1 and 1.6, incorporating more relevant and current material.
- Edited the chapter for grammatical accuracy and clarity.
- Integrated YouTube videos to enhance the learning experience.
- Added Figures 1.3 – Comparison of Map Scale, 1.6 – Map of Louisiana’s Parishes, and 1.12 – Crime Analysis Map to visually support the content.
- Included interactive H5P content to engage students and promote active learning.
- Updated the Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Definitions to reflect the latest content.
Chapter 2:
- Contributed new questions to the question bank, improving assessment opportunities.
- Edited the chapter for coherence and readability.
- Incorporated additional H5P content to support interactive learning experiences.
Chapter 6:
- Expanded the Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hindu discussions.
Added new Figure 6.2.
Added Louisiana examples throughout the chapter, especially in the “sacred spaces” and “voodoo” discussions. - Updated the Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Definitions to reflect the latest content.
Chapter 7:
- Added a chapter image to visually complement the content.
- Created and integrated a new section, Section 7.5, titled “Sexual Orientation,” which provides important, updated content on the topic. I also added several maps to demonstrate current trends on the topic including the distribution of population of the LGBT community in the United States, LGBT Youth Suicide Risks, Hate Crimes in the U.S., and States that ban same-sex marriage.
- Contributed questions to the question bank to enhance assessment.
- Included H5P content to further enrich the learning experience.
- Edited the chapter at the content level to ensure clarity and accuracy.
- Added key terms to reinforce essential concepts.
Chapter 8:
- Added new Figures 8.5- Louisiana Parishes Shapes, 8.6-Current NATO Map and Former Warsaw Pact, and 8.9-Davis Island and the Mississippi River Boundary.
- Added Louisiana examples throughout the chapter, especially in the “shape of a state” and “boundaries” discussions.
- Updated the Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Definitions to reflect the latest content.
Chapter 13:
- Added content to Sections 13.2 and 13.3 incorporating current material.
- Provided additional questions for the question bank to strengthen the chapter’s assessment tools.
- Conducted research and provided suggestions for updates to figures and maps, ensuring they reflect the most current data.
- Included H5P content to increase interactivity within the chapter.
- Edited the chapter for clarity, consistency, and engagement.
- Updated the Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Definitions to reflect the latest content.