
45 Tone

Tone refers to the overall emotional attitude of the argument. We know intuitively what “tone of voice” means when we’re describing a conversation. If we hear a person speaking and ask ourselves the following questions, we will usually be able to describe the tone:

What emotions do the sound of the voice convey?

What expression do we see or imagine on the speaker’s face as they make the argument?


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When we read, we lack the visual and auditory clues, but we still intuitively sense the writer’s attitude. Tone comes across through emotional word choice and choice of examples, but also in other ways, both subtle and overt. These include sentence structure, use of questions, emphasis, and direct declarations of feeling. All of these contribute to an overall pattern.

For example, let’s look at the following lines, which make an argument about developing a solid border regulation policy:

I don’t have a clear vision yet of what the right border policy would be, and I admit that completely open borders would put our security at risk. But surely there are ways to regulate the border without criminalizing people who are driven by need and good intentions.

We might note that words like “driven by need” and “good intentions” evoke feelings of compassion and sympathy. In describing the tone, however, we could go further to talk about the writer’s purpose and attitude.  Their admissions of uncertainty in the first sentence indicate an attitude of humility and openness, so we could describe the tone as “humble.”  In the second sentence, the word “surely” suggests urgency and an appeal to common sense. The contrast between the orderly, neutral phrase “regulate the border” and the more aggressive-sounding “criminalizing people” suggests that one option is decent and the other cruel.  The feelings of compassion and sympathy evoked by people’s “need” and “good intentions” reinforce the sense of urgency and appeal to decency. The combination of all of this suggests that the writer cares very much about the ethics of what they are discussing because innocent people’s wellbeing is at stake. We could describe the tone, then, as “earnest,” “urgent,” or “impassioned.”

How can we identify a writer’s tone? If we want to describe the tone of an argument, we can ask ourselves these general questions:

How does the writer feel about the topic of the argument?

How does the writer feel about their own knowledge of the topic?

What is the writer’s attitude toward the reader?

If we are not sure how to answer or we want more insight, we can consider specific aspects of the writer’s attitude, such as the degree of respect, seriousness, or certainty they feel. To describe the tone very precisely, we will need to use multiple words. We can ask ourselves about each of the aspects of tone listed in the table below and consider which of the accompanying tone words best describe the argument we are analyzing. Note that words clustered together are in most cases not synonyms. They convey shades of meaning, so they are worth looking up in an online dictionary to confirm their connotations before using them.

Words to describe a writer’s tone

Aspect of the writer’s attitude

Tone words

Contrasting tone words

Degree of seriousness

conversational, flippant, glib, childish, frivolous, facetious, humorous, sarcastic, comic, satiric, amused, ironic, mocking, irreverent, casual, lighthearted, playful, cheerful, ridiculous, giddy, dreamy

vs. serious, earnest, solemn, grave, intense, impassioned, prayerful, reverent, idealistic

Degree of respect

dismissive, patronizing, condescending, arrogant, haughty, chauvinistic, macho, domineering

vs. humble, respectful, reverent, intimidated, obsequious, submissive, complimentary, flattering, simpering

Degree of formality

irreverent, informal, coarse, vulgar, casual, conversational, improvisational, exploratory

vs. formal, businesslike, professional, professorial, esoteric, clinical

Degree of self-regard

condescending, arrogant, patronizing, proud, majestic, haughty, obnoxious

vs. modest, humble, self-effacing, self-deprecating, down-to-earth

Degree of goodwill toward others

benevolent, kind, loving, affectionate, amiable, genial, agreeable, friendly, jovial, encouraging, warm

vs. mean-spirited, mean, malicious, spiteful, cruel, hateful, hating, vengeful

Degree of anxiety

agitated, excited, sensational, alarmed, nervous, anxious, obsessive, worried, fearful, frightened, paranoid, frantic, frazzled, desperate, dramatic, disturbed, perturbed

vs. calm, tranquil, serene, unworried, contemplative, meditative, reflective, thoughtful

Degree of hesitation

cautious, hesitating, reticent, evasive

vs. bold, audacious, straightforward, direct, outspoken, authoritative

Degree of certainty

conflicted, uncertain, reluctant, contradictory, confused, baffled, ambivalent, uneasy, apologetic, regretful, pensive

vs. confident, sure, definite, unapologetic, righteous, self-righteous, determined, persuasive, hypnotic

Degree of interest in the topic

wondering, curious, inquisitive, fascinated

vs. bored, apathetic, removed, indifferent, wooden, world-weary, dull, bland, banal, blasé

Degree of surprise

unbelieving, incredulous, surprised, innocent, naive, disbelieving

vs. knowing, jaded, nonplussed, weary

Degree of distance

intimate, impassioned, passionate, ardent, personal

vs. formal, impersonal, objective, neutral, journalistic, informative, professional, businesslike, intellectual, detached, numb, distant, disinterested

Degree of openness

open, direct, forthright, candid

vs. secretive, sneaky, cagey, sly

Degree of approval

elated, enthusiastic, ecstatic, celebratory, euphoric, joyous, jubilant, zestful, exuberant, blissful, happy, delighted, awestruck, appreciative, approving

vs. disapproving, disappointed, concerned, alarmed, critical, caustic, appalled

Degree of warmth toward the audience

warm, cordial, friendly, flirtatious, seductive

vs. cold, forbidding, aloof, impersonal

Degree of connection to suffering

concerned, compassionate, tender, consoling, comforting, sympathetic, empathetic

vs. apathetic, indifferent, detached, aloof, callous

Desire to communicate

talkative, eager

vs. laconic, taciturn, reluctant


abrupt, hurried, hasty

vs. patient, gradual, unhurried, lethargic, languid, pensive, scrupulous

Attitude to the future

despairing, tragic, defeated, discouraged, resigned, overwhelmed, disheartened, dismal, foreboding, dejected, depressed, bitter, bleak, bewildered, pessimistic, distressed, cynical, pathetic, melancholy, nostalgic, saddened, miserable, morbid, morose, mournful, sorrowful, somber, lamenting, grave, grim

vs. hopeful, sanguine, optimistic, content, excited, enthusiastic

Attitude to another’s success

envious, jealous

vs. admiring, congratulatory, celebratory, enthusiastic

Attitude to another’s failing

critical, annoyed, angry, frustrated, impatient, disappointed, resentful, hurt, aggravated, outraged, appalled, indignant, disgusted, impotent, vindictive, vengeful, furious

vs. forgiving, indulgent, understanding, accepting, tolerant

Attitude to one’s own failing

apologetic, remorseful, repentant, disgusted, self-critical

vs. defensive, self-indulgent, complacent

Attitude to powerful forces like spirit, country, religion

patriotic, pious, religious, reverent, mystical, spiritual, obedient

vs. irreverent, scoffing, impious, skeptical

Aspect of the writer's attitude Tone words Contrasting tone words
Degree of seriousness conversational, flippant, glib, childish, frivolous, facetious, humorous, sarcastic, comic, satiric, amused, ironic, mocking, irreverent, casual, lighthearted, playful, cheerful, ridiculous, giddy, dreamy vs. serious, earnest, solemn, grave, intense, impassioned, prayerful, reverent, idealistic
Degree of respect dismissive, patronizing, condescending, arrogant, haughty, chauvinistic, macho, domineering vs. humble, respectful, reverent, intimidated, obsequious, submissive, complimentary, flattering, simpering
Degree of formality irreverent, informal, coarse, vulgar, casual, conversational, improvisational, exploratory vs. formal, businesslike, professional, professorial, esoteric, clinical
Degree of self-regard condescending, arrogant, patronizing, proud, majestic, haughty, obnoxious vs. modest, humble, self-effacing, self-deprecating, down-to-earth
Degree of goodwill toward others benevolent, kind, loving, affectionate, amiable, genial, agreeable, friendly, jovial, encouraging, warm vs. mean-spirited, mean, malicious, spiteful, cruel, hateful, hating, vengeful
Degree of anxiety agitated, excited, sensational, alarmed, nervous, anxious, obsessive, worried, fearful, frightened, paranoid, frantic, frazzled, desperate, dramatic, disturbed, perturbed vs. calm, tranquil, serene, unworried, contemplative, meditative, reflective, thoughtful
Degree of hesitation cautious, hesitating, reticent, evasive vs. bold, audacious, straightforward, direct, outspoken, authoritative
Degree of certainty conflicted, uncertain, reluctant, contradictory, confused, baffled, ambivalent, uneasy, apologetic, regretful, pensive vs. confident, sure, definite, unapologetic, righteous, self-righteous, determined, persuasive, hypnotic
Degree of interest in the topic wondering, curious, inquisitive, fascinated vs. bored, apathetic, removed, indifferent, wooden, world-weary, dull, bland, banal, blasé
Degree of surprise unbelieving, incredulous, surprised, innocent, naive, disbelieving vs. knowing, jaded, nonplussed, weary
Degree of distance intimate, impassioned, passionate, ardent, personal vs. formal, impersonal, objective, neutral, journalistic, informative, professional, businesslike, intellectual, detached, numb, distant, disinterested
Degree of openness open, direct, forthright, candid vs. secretive, sneaky, cagey, sly
Degree of approval elated, enthusiastic, ecstatic, celebratory, euphoric, joyous, jubilant, zestful, exuberant, blissful, happy, delighted, awestruck, appreciative, approving vs. disapproving, disappointed, concerned, alarmed, critical, caustic, appalled
Degree of warmth toward the audience warm, cordial, friendly, flirtatious, seductive vs. cold, forbidding, aloof, impersonal
Degree of connection to suffering concerned, compassionate, tender, consoling, comforting, sympathetic, empathetic vs. apathetic, indifferent, detached, aloof, callous
Desire to communicate talkative, eager vs. laconic, taciturn, reluctant
Pace abrupt, hurried, hasty vs. patient, gradual, unhurried, lethargic, languid, pensive, scrupulous
Attitude to the future despairing, tragic, defeated, discouraged, resigned, overwhelmed, disheartened, dismal, foreboding, dejected, depressed, bitter, bleak, bewildered, pessimistic, distressed, cynical, pathetic, melancholy, nostalgic, saddened, miserable, morbid, morose, mournful, sorrowful, somber, lamenting, grave, grim vs. hopeful, sanguine, optimistic, content, excited, enthusiastic
Attitude to another's success envious, jealous vs. admiring, congratulatory, celebratory, enthusiastic
Attitude to another's failing critical, annoyed, angry, frustrated, impatient, disappointed, resentful, hurt, aggravated, outraged, appalled, indignant, disgusted, impotent, vindictive, vengeful, furious vs. forgiving, indulgent, understanding, accepting, tolerant
Attitude to one's own failing apologetic, remorseful, repentant, disgusted, self-critical vs. defensive, self-indulgent, complacent
Attitude to powerful forces like spirit, country, religion patriotic, pious, religious, reverent, mystical, spiritual, obedient vs. irreverent, scoffing, impious, skeptical



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