
Chapter 8 Statistics

8.8 Statistics Calculator

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Use technology to find the following:
    • Mean
    • Standard deviation
    • Five-number summary
  • Use technology to plot a histogram

Calculators are useful tools in analyzing large sets of data. Calculators like the Desmos statistics calculator can be used to find important information such as the mean, median, standard deviation, and the five-number summary of any dataset. You can find the Desmos statistics calculator in the link above or in the Back Matter of this book.

To use the statistics calculator, first input the data values into [latex]x_1 = [\text{    }][/latex], where data values are separated by a comma. After the data are entered, the calculator will give the following data analytics:

  • The mean can be found in [latex]x_{bar}=\text{mean(}x_1 \text{)}[/latex].
  • The standard deviation can be found in [latex]s_x = \text{stdev(} x_1 \text{)}[/latex].
  • The number of elements are given in [latex]n = \text{length(} x_1 \text{)}[/latex].
  • The five-number summary can be found in [latex]\text{stats(} x_1 \text{)}[/latex].

When plotting a histogram, there are some settings that will have to be adjusted. Use [latex]b = 270[/latex] to adjust the bin width of the histogram. You can use the sliding bar or enter a number other than 270. The wrench in the top right corner can be used to adjust additional settings of the histogram. We will explore these settings in Example 7 from Section 8.2.

Examples from Section 8.2

Example 7

In Example 6, we built a stem-and-leaf plot for the number of chirps made by crickets in one minute. Here are the raw data that we used then:

89 97 82 102 84 99
115 105 89 109 107 89
101 109 116 103 100 91
93 103 120 91 85 104
104 82 106 92 104 106

Construct a histogram to visualize these results.

Input the data values into the brackets of [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. As you input the values, you will notice that a histogram will start to form.

This image shows the data that has been entered into the statistics calculator.
Figure 1. Data input in Desmos calculator

We need to adjust the bin setting so that the bars are an appropriate width. Scroll down until you see b = 270. Adjust that to b = 10.

This image shows the bin number that has been changed to 10 into the statistics calculator.
Figure 2. Adjusting bar width

In order to see the histogram, we have to adjust the settings. Click on the wrench in the top right corner to adjust the graph settings. Change the X-Axis settings to [latex]70 \leq x \leq 140[/latex] because all data values are between 70 and 140. Change the Y-Axis settings to [latex]-5 \leq y \leq 15[/latex] because the highest frequency is 14. You can choose different settings if you’d like, but these settings allow us to see the entire histogram.

This image shows the updated settings for the graph that have been entered into the statistics calculator.
Figure 3. Adjusting settings

When you close the settings, you can see the histogram.

This image shows the histogram that has been entered into the statistics calculator.
Figure 4. Viewing histogram

Return to Section 8.2

Examples and Exercises from Section 8.3

Example 3

In a previous example, we looked at a stem-and-leaf plot that contained 33 sale prices (in dollars) of a particular collectible trading card:

0 5 8 9
1 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9
2 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 9
3 0 0 0 5 5
4 0 0 5
6 0

What is the median price?

To find the median in the statistics calculator, type all values into [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. Scroll down until you see “[latex]\text{stats}(x_1)[/latex].” This is the five-number summary of the data. In this table, you can see that the median is 20.

This image shows the five-number summary after the data has been entered into the statistics calculator.
Figure 5. Finding median

Return to Section 8.3

Example 4

We previously looked at the number of times different crickets (of differing species, genders, etc.) chirped in a one-minute span. Those data are again provided below:

89 97 82 102 84 99
115 105 89 109 107 89
101 109 116 103 100 91
93 103 120 91 85 104
104 82 106 92 104 106

Find the median.

To find the median in the statistics calculator, type all values into [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. Scroll down until you see “[latex]\text{stats}(x_1)[/latex].” This is the five-number summary of the data. In this table, you can see that the median is 101.5.

This image shows the five-number summary after the data has been entered into the statistics calculator.
Figure 6. Five-number summary

Return to Section 8.3

Example 6

Compute the mean of the numbers 12, 15, 17, 18, 18, and 19.

To find the mean in the statistics calculator, type all values into [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. Below that is a box that says “[latex]x_{bar}=\text{mean}(x_1)[/latex].” This is the mean of the data. You can see that the mean is 16.5.

This image shows the data that has been entered into the statistics calculator as well as the mean.
Figure 7. Finding mean

Return to Section 8.3

Example 7

Refer again to the frequency distribution of the number of siblings people who attended a conflict resolution class reported:

Number of siblings Frequency
0 5
1 13
2 6
3 3
4 2
5 1

What is the mean of the number of siblings?

To find the mean in the statistics calculator, type all values into [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. Because the table is a frequency distribution, we know that 5 people have 0 siblings, 13 people have 1 sibling, and so on. Therefore, be sure to put five 0s, thirteen 1s, and so on. The mean is approximately 1.57.

This image shows the data that has been entered into the statistics calculator as well as the mean.
Figure 8. Finding mean

Return to Section 8.3

Examples from Section 8.4

Example 2

You surveyed some of your friends to find out how many hours they work each week. Their responses were 5, 20, 8, 10, 35, and 12. What is the standard deviation?

To find the standard deviation in the statistics calculator, type all values into [latex]x_1[/latex], separated by a comma. Below that is a box that says “[latex]s_x=\text{stdev}(x_1)[/latex].” This is the standard deviation of the data. You can see that the standard deviation is approximately 11.03.

This image shows the data that has been entered into the statistics calculator as well as the standard deviation.
Figure 9. Finding standard deviation

Return to Section 8.4

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