
Diseases and Disorders

Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

albinism: “condition of white”; a partial or complete lack of melanin-producing cells

basal cell carcinoma: a cancerous tumor of the regenerative cells in the epidermis of the skin

carcinoma: cancerous tumor

cyanosis: abnormal condition of blue skin; usually caused by low oxygen

cyst: a fluid-filled growth in skin

dermatitis: inflammation of the skin

dermatoconiosis: abnormal condition of the skin caused by dust

dermatofibroma: fibrous tumor of the skin

dermatomycosis: fungal infection of the skin

epidermitis: inflammation of the outer layer of the skin

erythematosus: an inflammatory disease causing scaly red patches on the skin; also called systemic lupus erythematosus

erythroderma: red skin (abnormal redness of the skin)

hemangioma: benign tumor of the blood vessels; a type of birthmark

hidradenitis: inflammation of the sweat gland

hyperhidrosis: abnormal condition of excessive sweat

ichthyosis: abnormal condition of scaly/fishlike skin

keratosis: abnormal condition of horny tissue growth

leukoderma: white skin (patches of white skin caused by lack of pigment)

leiodermia: condition of smooth skin

melanoma: cancerous tumor of the melanin-producing cells; also called malignant melanoma

metastasize: produce cells that can mobilize and produce tumors in other organs

necrosis: condition of death (death of tissue)

onychocryptosis: abnormal condition of a hidden nail

onychomalacia: softening of the nails

onychomycosis: abnormal condition of a fungus in the nail

onychopathy: any disease of the nails

onychophagia: eating of the nails (nail biting)

pachyderma: thick

paronychia: infection around the nail

pruritus: condition causing itching

seborrhea: excessive discharge of sebum

scleroderma: hardness of the skin, chronic disease causing hardening of the skin

staphylococcus: berry-shaped bacterium in grapelike clusters

streptococcus (strep): berry-shaped bacterium in twisted chains

xeroderma: extremely dry skin

xerosis: abnormal condition of dryness

Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

abscess: localized collection of pus

acne: inflammatory papular and pustular eruption of the skin

alopecia: partial or complete loss or lack of hair (baldness)

benign: noncancerous/nonmalignant tumor

bulla: fluid-filled raised lesion >1cm (blister)

comedo: black head

decubitus ulcer: chronic ulcer caused by pressure over bony areas (seen in immobilized people)

ecchymosis: purple discoloration of skin >3mm in size, caused by blood pooling under the skin

eczema: inflammatory disorder causing redness, blisters, and scaling of skin

excoriation: linear break in skin (scratch)

fissure: deep, elongated break in the skin (crack)

impetigo: inflammatory disease with pustules that rupture

keloid: a raised scar

lesion: any wound, injury, or pathologic change in body tissue

macule: flat, discolored, flush area of the skin (freckle)

nevus: raised, discolored area, usually benign, but can be cancerous (mole)

nodule: small, round swelling under the skin

petechiae: tiny red/purple spots caused by capillary rupture

plaque: flat or raised lesions that may itch

polyp: an overgrowth of tissue on a mucous membrane

pustule: small, round, elevated lesion filled with pus

scabies: an infection of the skin caused by mites, highly contagious

shingles: a viral infection causing painful inflammation and pustular eruption of the nerve endings (also called herpes zoster)

ulcer: open sore of the skin or mucous membranes

urticaria: hives

verruca: wart caused by a virus

vesicle: small, fluid-filled, raised lesion (blister)

vitiligo: a loss of skin pigmentation in specific areas

wheal: smooth, rounded, slightly elevated area of skin that often itches


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