
Diseases and Disorders

Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

andropathy: disease specific to males

anorchism: lack of a testis or testes

aspermia: condition of no spermatozoa or inability to produce spermatozoa

balanitis: inflammation of the glans penis

balanorrhea: discharge from the glans penis

benign prostatic hyperplasia: overgrowth of the prostate; common in older men

cryptorchidism: “state of hidden testis”; condition where one or both testes have not descended into the scrotum

dysuria: painful urination

epididymitis: inflammation of the back of the testicle that carries sperm

oligospermia: condition of having few or scanty spermatozoa

orchiditis: inflammation of a testis

orchiepididymitis: inflammation of a testis and epididymis

orchitis: inflammation of a testis

prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland

prostatocystitis: inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder

prostatolith: small stone or crystal that forms within the prostate gland

prostatorrhea: discharge from the prostate gland

prostatovesiculitis: inflammation of the prostate gland and one or both seminal vesicles

Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

chlamydia: one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by bacteria that infect the cervix, urethra, and other reproductive organs

erectile dysfunction disorder: a condition in which a male has difficulty either initiating or maintaining an erection

gonorrhea (gonococcus): a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria that infects the cervix, urethra, and other reproductive organs; infections can also infect the throat and anus

herpes simplex virus: a sexually transmitted infection that causes genital herpes

human papillomavirus: a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause visible genital warts and can sometimes lead to the development of some genital cancers

hydrocele: fluid-filled sac around the testicle

male infertility: inability to produce children after at least one year of unprotected intercourse or artificial insemination

penile cancer: a cancer in which tumors usually appear on the end of the penis or on the foreskin

Peyronie’s disease: causes scar tissue or hard lump inside of the penis

phimosis: occurs when the foreskin remains unusually tight and cannot be drawn back

priapism: persistent erection that lasts at least 4 hours; may not be related to sexual stimulation but can be painful; if left untreated, it can cause lasting damage

prostate cancer: a cancer that is caused in the prostate; it is the second most common cancer occurring in men

spermatocele: distension of the epididymis, containing fluid and spermatozoa

testicular cancer: a cancer that begins in the testicle or testis; it is most often found in men aged 15 to 44 years, although it can be diagnosed at any age

testicular torsion: twisting of a testis and spermatic cord within the scrotum; this is a medical emergency and must be reversed immediately

varicocele: varicose veins within the spermatic cord; can lead to decreased sperm production


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