
Diseases and Disorders

Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

acapnia: lack of carbon dioxide

adenoiditis: inflammation of the adenoid/pharyngeal tonsil

anoxia: lack of oxygen

aphonia: lack of voice

apnea: lack of breathing

atelectasis: incomplete expansion (for example, of an airway)

bronchiectasis: dilation of bronchi

bronchitis: inflammation of bronchi

bronchiolitis: inflammation of bronchioles

bronchogenic carcinoma: cancerous tumor originating in a bronchus (lung cancer)

bronchopneumonia: disease of bronchi and lungs

bronchospasm: spasmodic contraction of the bronchi

diaphragmatocele: herniation of diaphragm

dysphonia: condition of difficult speaking

dyspnea: painful or labored breathing

epiglottitis: inflammation of epiglottis

eupnea: normal breathing

hemothorax: blood in the pleural space / thoracic cavity

hypercapnia: excessive carbon dioxide in the body

hyperpnea: forced breathing or breathing that is excessive

hypopnea: deficient breathing

hypoxemia: deficient oxygen in the blood

hypoxia: condition of deficient oxygen in the tissues

laryngitis: inflammation of the larynx

laryngospasm: spasmodic contraction of the larynx

lobar pneumonia: disease of one lobe of a lung

nasopharyngitis: inflammation of the nose and pharynx

orthopnea: being able to breathe more easily while sitting up straight

pharyngitis: inflammation of the pharynx

phrenalgia: pain in the diaphragm

phrenospasm: spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm

pleuritis: inflammation of pleura (formerly known as pleurisy)

pneumoconiosis: abnormal condition of dust in the lungs

pneumonia: disease involving the lung (typically used to indicate a lower respiratory tract infection)

pneumonitis: inflammation of the lung

pneumothorax: air in the thoracic cavity; can lead to lung collapse

pyothorax: pus in the thoracic cavity

rhinitis: inflammation of the nose

rhinomycosis: abnormal condition of fungus in the nose

rhinorrhagia: rapid flow of blood from the nose

rhinorrhea: discharge from the nose

sinusitis: inflammation of one or more sinuses

tachypnea: rapid breathing

thoracalgia: pain in the thoracic cavity

tonsillitis: inflammation of one or more tonsils

tracheitis: inflammation of the trachea

tracheostenosis: narrowing of the trachea

Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

acute respiratory distress syndrome: a type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs; symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and cyanosis

asphyxia: inability to breathe

asthma: a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs characterized by reversible airflow obstruction and easily triggered bronchospasms

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a chronic lung condition, a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis

coccidioidomycosis: an infection caused by Coccidioides fungus, which lives in the soil of dry, low-rainfall areas

crackles: clicking, rattling, or crackling noises that may be made by lungs of a human with a respiratory disease during inhalation

croup: an infection of the upper airway that obstructs breathing and causes a characteristic barking cough

cystic fibrosis: genetic disorder that affects mostly the lungs but also the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and intestine; can lead to difficulty breathing and coughing up mucus as a result of frequent lung infections

deviated septum: a displacement of the nasal septum

emphysema: a lung condition that causes shortness of breath due to damaged alveoli

epistaxis: nosebleed

hyperventilation: breathing too quickly or too much

hypoventilation: breathing too slowly or not enough

influenza: an upper respiratory tract infection with influenza virus

lower respiratory infection: an infection of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and/or alveoli

lung cancer: malignant cancer originating within lung tissue

obstructive sleep apnea: a sleep disorder in which pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep occur more often than normal

pertussis: an upper respiratory tract infection with Bordetella pertussis bacteria

pleural effusion: accumulation of excessive fluid in the pleural space

pulmonary embolism: an embolism (a free-moving blood clot, air bubble, atherosclerotic plaque, etc.) within a blood vessel of a lung

pulmonary edema: edema (fluid accumulation) within one or both lungs

sputum: mucus originating in the lower respiratory tract

tuberculosis: a lower respiratory tract infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria

upper respiratory infection: an infection of the nose, pharynx, and/or larynx


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