Medical, Surgical, & Viewing Terms and Abbreviations
Medical Careers & Professional Terminology
nephrology: study of the kidneys
nephrologist: physician specializing in kidney disorders and treatment
urology: study of the urinary system
urologist: physician specializing in urinary system disorders and treatment
Imaging Techniques / Diagnostic Procedures for the Organ System
blood urea nitrogen: a laboratory test that measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood; indicates kidney function
cystogram: an x-ray image obtained after contrast media injected into the bladder
cystography: the process of obtaining a cystogram
cystoscope: a thin tube with a camera or lens, used to visualize the bladder
cystoscopy: visual examination of the bladder using a cystoscope
intravenous urogram: an x-ray image obtained after injecting contrast media to visually evaluate the entire urinary tract
nephrography: the process of obtaining a radiographic image of the kidney
nephroscopy: visual examination of the kidney
nephrosonography: obtaining a visual recording of the kidney via ultrasound waves
nephrotomogram: an image obtained via intravenous contrast media and x-ray tomography
renogram: an x-ray image obtained after injecting contrast media to evaluate blood flow in the kidney
specific gravity: a measurement of the density of a fluid (such as urine) compared to water
ureteroscopy: visual examination of the ureter
urethroscopy: visual examination of the urethra
urinalysis: analyzing the composition of urine via laboratory tests
urodynamics: any procedure that measures how well the bladder and urethra store and release urine
voiding cystourethrogram: a procedure that uses x-rays and a contrasting agent to evaluate the size, shape, and capacity of the bladder and urethra
Medical/Surgical Techniques & Procedures
cystectomy: surgical removal of the bladder
cystolithotomy: surgical incision to remove a bladder stone
cystorrhaphy: surgical suturing of the bladder
cystostomy: surgical creation of an opening in the bladder to void urine outside the body
cystotomy: surgical incision of the bladder
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: administering a series of shock waves to break apart a kidney stone
fulguration: using a laser to destroy living tissue, such as bladder lesions
hemodialysis: purifying the blood of a patient whose kidneys no longer function properly; can utilize a dialysis machine or the patient’s peritoneum
meatotomy: surgical incision of the urinary meatus
nephrectomy: surgical removal of a kidney
nephrolithotripsy: surgical crushing and removal of a kidney stone
nephropexy: surgical suspension of a kidney
nephrostomy: surgical creation of an opening in the kidney to void urine outside the body
pyelolithotomy: surgical incision to remove stone from the renal pelvis
pyeloplasty: surgical repair of the renal pelvis
renal transplant: transplanting a donor kidney into a recipient when their own kidneys no longer function
ureterectomy: surgical removal of a ureter
urethroplasty: surgical repair of a ureter
urinal: a device for collecting urine
urinary catheterization: placing a catheter inside the urethra for collecting urine
vesicourethral suspension: surgical suspension of the bladder and urethra; often performed to treat stress incontinence
void: to empty urine from the body
ARF: acute renal failure
BUN: blood urea nitrogen
cath: catheter, catheterization
CKD: chronic kidney disease
ESRD: end-stage renal disease
ESWL: extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
HD: hemodialysis
KUB: kidney, ureter, and bladder radiographic image
OAB: overactive bladder
SG: specific gravity
UA: urinalysis
UTI: urinary tract infection
VCUG: voiding cystourethrogram
Medical Terms Practice
For each card, click the speaker icon to hear the correct pronunciation of the listed term. Practice saying the term to yourself, then attempt to define the term from memory. Click “Turn” to flip the card and see the definition. Use the right and left arrows to toggle through the cards in each set.